Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development resour

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Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development resour

Beitrag von alexey » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 5:33 pm

Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development resource

On March 30, 2002, the American company Pangolin Laser Systems concluded a deal for the purchase of all copyrights, distribution rights and source code for LAStudio software from Uspekh LTD. In addition, Pangolin has also retained the computer software development services of Uspekh for the continued development of LAStudio and LD2000 software.

Who is Pangolin Laser Systems?

Pangolin Laser Systems was founded in 1986 and is the world leader in laser software sales with over 85% market share. Pangolin’s products include Lasershow Designer 2000, Lasershow Converter MAX, CD2000 and ADAT tape products.

What does this mean to existing LAStudio clients?

LAStudio clients will effectively become Pangolin clients and will benefit from the huge pool of knowledge and experience of the Pangolin User Group. LAStudio clients will also benefit from the commitment, expertise and quality that Pangolin has been known for since 1986.

What does this mean to existing LAStudio dealers?

Most LAStudio dealers will remain as LAStudio dealers, although the dealer pricing may be adjusted to be more commensurate with Pangolin’s typical dealer discount. LAStudio software will be purchased directly from Pangolin. Since this purchase is made from a USA-based company, in general, the purchase process will go much more smoothly.

How will the development of LD2000 and LAStudio software progress?

Software development will progress on both LD2000 and LAStudio software packages, and improvements will also be made to the TraceIT bitmap tracer.

What about RIYA hardware?

Pangolin has not concluded a similar deal with RIYA at this time. As a result, future sales of LAStudio software will only be made with Pangolin QM2000 hardware, or to existing users of Pangolin LD2000 who already have QM2000 hardware.

Alexey Sinitsyn.
LAStudio software developer
Uspekh Ltd.

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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von andi » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 5:49 pm


Viel Vergnügen für alle Käufer der RIYA Hardware der neuesten Generation. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />
So wie das klingt ist es mit neuen Releases für diese Hardware vorbei. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

Solche Uebernahmen ergeben am Schluss meistens einen grossen Verlierer, nämlich den Käufer der Produkte der einen oder der anderen Firma. Traurigerweise wird dann natürlich eine der beiden parallel laufenden Produktelinien aufgegeben.


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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von john » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 6:11 pm

@Alexey: Why did Uspekh agree to this deal? I always expect LAStudio and RIYA hardware to become a strong and competitive product to Pangolin. Now it looks like Pangolin realized this and bought LA knowhow to use it in their own software and to force down competitor. So why do you gave up?

Anbieterkennzeichnung -

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Registriert: Mi 17 Okt, 2001 12:00 pm
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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von constantin » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 8:02 pm

warum sollte man sich denn jetzt keine Hardware zu LAStudio kaufen ? Werden denn überhaupt jetzt noch welche hergestellt ? Oder wird man jetzt gezwungen sich die QM2000 zu holen ?
@ Alexey : Will there be the PCI-Cards avaiable in the future?


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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von ingo » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 8:39 pm

* is ganz toll! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> , und so bleibt mal wieder die Produktvielfalt und der Wettbewerb auf der strecke , wie soll denn ein User von solchen methoden profitieren können? .....etwa nach dem motto, alles aufkaufen was ein anderer Hersteller möglicherweise, alternativ und günstiger anbieten kann? ........

edited , da ich erst im nachhinein darüber erfahren habe ,daß LAstudio durch schlechte bewirtschaftung ,nicht mehr finanziell getragenen werden konnte <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

<small>[ 18 April 2002, 02:41: Message edited by: Ingo ]</small>

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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von flo » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 9:58 pm

tolle news..ja... :-((

Naja, dann solls wohl doch nix werden mit LA studio...

Man kommt um die Pango einfach nie rum...

dominik beinert
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Registriert: So 17 Dez, 2000 12:00 pm

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von dominik beinert » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 11:06 pm

Ja ist doch alles zum ko**en, habe mir erst vor 1 Woche LAStudio im Gedanken ein richtig geiles konkurenz Produckt zu Pango geleistet, und jetzt wirds warscheinlich so hinauslaufen, das LA Studio das (sorry für den Ausdruck) billig Produckt abgewertet wird, wo die ganzen geilen Funktionen verschwinden. Echt Sch**ße. Ich hoffe wenigstens das sie den Support für die PCI5.0 nicht ganz rausschmeißen, und ich gar kein Update mehr nutzen kann. Das bringt mich wirklich zum kochen.

Wünsch euch was.

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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von pangolinlaser » Mi 17 Apr, 2002 11:37 pm

Hello all,

I am sure that Alexey will be forthcoming with his own answers to these questions soon. In the mean time, let me answer these questions from Pangolin's perspective.

Pangolin and Uspekh have been discussing the possibility of working in this way for several months. While we were working on this deal, our main goal was to come up with a situation that would be a win for everyone -- Uspekh, Pangolin and especially the entire laser industry as a whole. I assure you that we have your best interest in mind.

The word "competition" can be looked at in many ways. One way to look at it is that if there are multiple companies, then no company can become lazy and fail to deliver new products or innovations. Another way to look at it is that if there are multiple companies, the prices can be kept reasonable.

From the perspective of Pangolin's lazyness, I hope that our record of continual innovation is clear with 14 technology awards and truly revolutionary products like LD2000 and Lasershow Converter MAX.

From the perspective of Pangolin's pricing, I think that you will not find professional features like the ones that Pangolin offers from any of our competitors, along with 75 free laser shows, 118,000 free laser frames, free games, free plugins for Winamp and access to the largest pool of third-party products, shows and frames on the planet.

One thing that you must realize is that if you look at the word "competition" as though it is something that will benefit end-users, you assume that the companies were on equal footing to begin with. But this was not the case with LD2000 and LAStudio. LD2000 is the result of 12 years of development. When LAStudio was first created, a substantial amount of time was spent implementing features that LD2000 already had to one extent or another (and LAStudio still does not have all of the features of LD2000). Imagine if this same amount of time was put into NEW features or ADDITIONAL technologies for the benefit of the laser industry! When you put it this way you start to see that the combined programming tallents of Pangolin and Uspekh result in far more benefit to end users.

Regarding hardware, I can only say that the QM2000 is a CE-certified four layer "universal" (3.3V and 5V) PCI board that meets PCI 2.2 specifications. The QM2000 also has true 16-bit outputs for X, Y and Z. And the QM2000 is very flexible with up to 512MB on-board RAM and the ability to run stand-alone. I believe you will not find that the same level of quality, capabilities and flexibility with other hardware on the market.

Pangolin is very quality concious. We want to deliver the highest quality possible, at the most affordable prices. We also have a great reputation of providing value, and around-the-clock customer service. We have gotten where we are because of our commitment to the industry and to the users of our products.

Sure, you can look at it as though there is one less supplier to choose from, but you can also look at it as though the combined strengths of two great suppliers are able to deliver even better technologies in a shorter amount of time, while simultaneously keeping prices reasonable.

Best regards,

William Benner
Pangolin Laser Systems

ihor ralko
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Wohnort: Ukraine

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von ihor ralko » Do 18 Apr, 2002 7:07 am

Hi everybody!
It's good, that on this forum you have recollected hardware from RIYA.

Thank Andi for a high rating of our product.
And it's too early to receive the condolences - our product is still living!

We have affixed many efforts, and we have program - independent device.
We have not a simple card - we give to it drivers for WIN98/ME/NT/2000/XP and SDK. We give complete support on the part of our experts, which possess experience operations with C ++ and Pascal.

Our card can be used with any software.
As displays our experience, only a few days - and the software will receive powerful support of hardware.

And so, John, I think, the competition is still possible - you just offer the good software.

About PC-CARD. Const, Alexey - programmer, and is identical to him where to send datas - on ISA, PCI, PC-CARD, RIYA card or QM2000 …

This question now is to the developers of hardware of the Pangolin corporation.
From my side I can tell, that the architecture, which we realised on PCI card, can be realised and in PC-CARD variant.

From my side to our old clients all duties on warranty and postwarranty to service of cards will be fulfilled.

Ihor Ralko
RIYA co Ltd

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Registriert: Di 31 Okt, 2000 12:00 pm
Do you already have Laser-Equipment?: Seit 30Jahren Laser sammeln :-)
Wohnort: Bamberg

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von richi » Do 18 Apr, 2002 8:29 am

Also mal zum mitschreiben:

Glückwunsch für all diejenigen die LAStudio haben, denn eine Super Software mit funktionen die es in Zukunft auch endlich mal in Pango geben wird, also ihr habts schon voraus. Unterstützung für Riya, QM2000 und anderen Karten. Leider in der neuen Version nur noch unterstützung für QM2000, damit auch hier abgesahnt werden kann.
Keine Sorge jungs, bugfixes werden behoben und bei den bestehenden Kunden wird auch die Ausgabe auf der Riya Karte erhalten bleiben.
Wenn ihr mehr Projektoren benutzen wollt dann ja bis zu 4 unabhängige und das nur wenn man karten dazukauft. Also zu so einem Preis wird man das wohl in den nächsten 3 Jahren nimmer bekommen bis es mal wieder Konkurenz gibt.

Bevor sich die Pango user auf neue geile Funktionen freuen, überlegt mal wie das dann wohl realisiert werden wird..... ich sag nur qm32 mal so nebenbei.

Warum ist das soweit gekommen:

Tja wenn alle nur gucken und warten, schau mer mal wie sich des entwickelt, dann kann sich auch nix entwickeln, daran sind eigentlich alle schuld die sich vor kurzem eine andere Soft zugelegt haben, denn irgendwann ist der Geldhahn zu und die Konkurenz freut sich, vor allem wenn sie gerade keine Programmierer haben. Aber das war schon ein leckerbissen, was Alexey in 5Jahren aus dem boden gestampft hat, was andere in 12Jahren nicht geschafft haben...."den Programmierer brauchen wir"

Auf gehts zum LAPango !!!

Ihr suchtet Karte mit Prozessor drauf vielen funktionen welche man unter WIN Programmieren kann ? Dann bringt Riya nach oben, macht software dazu damit der Konkurenzkampf weiterlebt. Gento mach hinne aber lass dich nicht auch aufkaufen. Am besten nach dem Linux Prinzip dann kann mans nicht aufkaufen.

Wozu teure Prozessorkarte ? Wir haben nicht mehr 1990 wo die Prozessoren keine Leistung gebracht haben, Ladezeiten bis mal die Frames drin sind, teure Software nochmal mitkaufen nur weil man einen 2ten unabhängingen Ausgang haben will.

Schwachsinn aus der Steinzeit daran festzuhalten, sagts doch gleich das es der Kopierschutz ist.

Aber toller Kopierschutz nur etwas teuer geraten.
Und ich suche immernoch die 100 neuen Features beim Update auf 2.x welche es wohl nur in der Pro Version gibt die sowieso nur wenige haben.
Achja, microsoft macht das ja auch so, bugfixes als feature zu bezeichnen.

Dann ist da noch das der bekanntheitsgrad erst jetzt zu laufen begann, das hat natürlich auch pango mitbekommen, und vermutlich auch einen kleinen umsatzeinbruch, und bevor das ganze aus den rudern läuft dann schnell aufkaufen.

Gruß Richi !
echte Freaks haben Gaslaser
- Gewerbliches Mitglied -

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Registriert: Di 05 Dez, 2000 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Affoltern a.A.

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von flo » Sa 20 Apr, 2002 9:28 pm

Toller Text Richi!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Ist wohl auch nicht ganz schmezlos an dir vorbeigegangen, die nachricht...

Aber statt zu fluchen, dsag ich einfach weiterdenken... Nur wie?? Kann mir mal jemand in kurzen Sätzen den Vorteil der RYIA Karten erklären? So im Vergleich!! Teuer? Möglichkeiten und und und..

Danke und Gruss

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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von penner » Sa 20 Apr, 2002 11:37 pm

LA Studio war wohl doch Konkurenz zu Pango. Das darf doch alles nicht wahr sein, was wird jetzt aus den kostenlosen Updates und neuen Versionen von LA Studio die einem Anfangs versprochen wurden? Wenn Pango jetzt LA Studio nur noch für die LD2000 weiterprogrammiert wird da wohl nicht mehr viel draus (über einen längeren Zeitraum). Es ist wirklich nicht zu fassen, LA Studio war eine gute und vorallem günstige Alternative zu Pango und jetzt haben DIE wieder das Monopol. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

Gefrustet: PENNNER <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

ihor ralko
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Registriert: Di 26 Feb, 2002 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Ukraine

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von ihor ralko » So 21 Apr, 2002 3:25 pm

I'll try to give the answer to the question Flo, though it was addressed not for me.

We staked the task to make cheap card, which will be oriented on usage of high speeds of modern computers and qualitative work in a real-time. For this purpose we used absolutely other architecture than what was used by Pangolin.

I shall try to point the main differences QM2000 and RIYA PCI Pro cards, though I am not sure, that the list will be complete.

RIYA - two layer (more cheaper)
*** the PCI standard does not require mandatory execution of card with using of separate layers for ground and power supply, though it improves the characteristics of an device as a whole.
QM2000 - four layer (more qualitative)

RIYA - 12 bit DACs for X, Y, Z (more cheaper, but according to our reckoning fulfils conditions of the majority of the users)
QM2000 - 16 bit DACs for X, Y, Z (more qualitative)

QM2000 - CE-certified board
RIYA - now we are borrowing by obtaining of the certificate.

QM2000 - has a CD-ROM I/O: IDE connector for standalone playback applications
RIYA - has not it

RIYA - 3 channels of DMX - 2 OUT and 1 IN (they all are hardware-independent, can work simultaneously)
QM2000 - 1 channel DMX OUT

RIYA - has 16 IN/16OUT TTL lines
QM2000 - has not TTL IN/OUT

RIYA has:
 More high speed of output and greater size of the frame;
 Hardware control of amplitude and moving by X, by Y, by X and Y from music;
 Dual-channel variant of card - RIYA PCI Pro II;
 TTL safety input;
 Split-Bit output - programmer, using this signal, can output the different images on two heads (thus providing two independent images from one card)! This idea belongs to the one of our clients - Andreiko Kerdemelidis (Innerphase Laser Productions, New Zealand) and is implemented at his request)

In the rest the cards have the similar characteristics - both cards are "universal" (3.3V and 5V) PCI board that meets PCI 2.2 specifications, both support the ILDA specification, isolated DMX, video in, etc.

Both cards can be used with any software (and Pangolin and RIYA give drivers and SDK) or with any devices (not only in show-systems), but:
RIYA - is sold separately, you pay only for card
QM2000 - cann't be bought without the software (Pangolin Intro/Basic/Pro; as I understand, if you will buy LAStudio, you should buy and Pangolin Intro)

At present we is extendable operation in the following directions:
 We are developing PC-CARD variant of board;
 We add USB interface (if not to show of the major requirements to sizes of the frames and link speed, we can provide operation in a real-time of card separately from the computer through the interface USB);
 Further, flash memory will be placed on card (now there are no problem with chips 128M). The card will be used as a standalone playback device which show the frames or show any format (for example, ILDA). The loading datas will be made through PCI or USB, choice frames or show through DMX INPUT or through the keyboard, which can be connected to TTL IN/OUT.

I am sure, Mr. Benner can reduce a lot of arguments describing his board from the best side, - because he is the leader in our sphere!

The opinion of the programmer concerning both maps could be stated by Alexey, but I am not sure that now he can be free in his ratings and reasonings.

I would like to hear here opinion of the users of RIYA and Pangolin.

Good luck!

Ihor Ralko
RIYA Co Ltd.

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Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von m.m.g » So 21 Apr, 2002 4:32 pm

Hallo Freakgemeinde,

erstmal eine Nachricht an diejenigen die LAStudio schon ihr eigen nennen: Ein neues, natürlich kostenloses Update ist seit dem 18.04. verfügbar.
Alexey hat versprochen, daß bestehende Kunden mit Riya Hardware weiterhin voll unterstützt werden.
Wie Alexey sich so schön ausdrückt: Ab sofort kann man LAStudio nur noch über Pangolin ordern. Na und?
Er geht da vielleicht ein wenig blauäugig an "kapitalistische ;-) " Geschäftsstrategie heran, aber wir werden sehen. Alexey war für mich immer ein zuverlässiger und ehrlicher Geschäftspartner. Wenn er seine Machtposition bei Pango sichern kann (hat Pango einen besseren Programmierer als Alexey ?!?) können wir uns auf sein Wort verlassen.

Zur Karte noch eine kurze Bemerkung: Wie Ihor schon sehr objektiv und ehrlich (was Vertretern anderer Firmen ja manchmal abgeht) beschrieben hat, haben beide Karten Vor- und Nachteile. Auf alle Fälle kann ich sagen das meine Riya PCI 5.0 ein wesentlich besseres Rauschverhalten auf den Farbkanälen hat als Richi's QM2000. Für diese beiden Karten ist das gemessener Fakt.
Ich denke Ihor hat in seiner Aufzählung nichts vergessen, so daß sich jeder selber entscheiden kann welche Hardware er sich zulegt.
Evtl. kann man Pangolin (Alexey) davon überzeugen auch weiterhin die Riya Hardware zu unterstützen (was aber bei der aktuellen Marktpolitik von Pango schwer sein dürfte).
Abschließend kann man sagen das Riya absolut professionelle Hardware entwickelt und sich nicht ewig auf einer Neuentwicklung ausruht. Ich wünsche Riya viel Erfolg und das Durchhaltevermögen weiterhin inovative Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen. Vielleicht bleibt dann da etwas Wettbewerb erhalten.
Wenn Qualität und Preis stimmen, kommt die QM2002 oder QM2003 ja vielleicht aus der Ukraine :-)
Bei Fragen einfach eine kurze Mail an mich.

Viele Grüße
Wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn alle sagen Wo kämen wir denn hin und niemand ginge um zu sehen wohin wir kämen wenn wir gingen...

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Registriert: Sa 11 Nov, 2000 12:00 pm

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von patrick » So 21 Apr, 2002 8:07 pm


ich denke, auch wenn es weh tut, sollte man nicht zu sehr schönreden. Folgende Fragen muss sich der nüchterne Leser stellen: Was ist eine gute Hardware wert ohne vernünftige Software? Was nutzt es Pangolin die "Konkurrenzkarten" zu unterstützen? Geht nicht mit der La-Software auch der Sinn der Riya-Karten verloren? War die Karte der große Vorteil vom LaStudio oder die Software? Wie lange wird es dauern bis "der nächste geniale Mensch" für die Riya-Karten eine adäquat gute Software zaubern kann und was wird mit dieser "über Nacht" geschehen bevor sie angenommen ist? Wer sich hierauf seinen Reim bildet, wird erkennen was realistisch ist und was nicht.

Und noch was: Ich verstehe es ehrlich gesagt absolut nicht, dass jetzt alle auf Pangolin schimpfen! Na klar ist das für Leute wie Richi jetzt der beste Weg ihrem Kummer Ausdruck zu verleihen, das verstehe ich gut. Aber mal ehrlich: Hat Alexey sein Produkt an Pangolin verkauft oder hat Pangolin ihn dazu mit Messer bedroht? Also Leute, bitte!

Und noch was, aus marketingstrategischer Sicht war der professionelle Vertrieb von LaStudio so wie so zum Scheitern verurteilt! Denn wenn schon Neulinge in der Branche Versionslizenzen zum EK-Preis meinen verschenken zu müssen (wie hier passiert), dann hat irgendwann kein Händler mehr Interesse für die Software zu werben! Habt Ihr Profis Euch DAS vielleicht mal überlegt, wenn Ihr auf die "faulen Käufer" deutet, die sich nicht schnell genug für Euer Produkt entschieden haben?

Einige werden jetzt sicher denken, ich sage das nur weil ich auf der Seite von Pangolin wäre. Jeder Software hat ihre Schwächen und auch LD ist nicht frei davon, aber wenn Ihr ehrlich zu Euch selbst seid, dann seht Ihr ein, dass es zu einem markt-erfolgreichen Produkt nun einmal mehr braucht als einen engagierten Programmierer. Vor allem eine stimmige Strategie, und die war nachweislich in diesem Falle nicht existent. Da kann ich Euch versichern, dass sich Pangolin erheblich mehr Gedanken zum Kunden- und Investitionsschutz macht. Und das Ergebnis davon sehen wir nun ja wohl deutlich!

Und noch ein tröstendes Wort von mir zum Schluß: Es WIRD wieder wirkliche Konkurrenz geben, versprochen!

Schönen Abend noch!

Gruß Patrick

Falsche Zeilenumbrüche, darum...

<small>[ 21 April 2002, 20:17: Message edited by: Patrick ]</small>

Beiträge: 3973
Registriert: Fr 17 Nov, 2000 12:00 pm
Do you already have Laser-Equipment?: Apollo 4a + 4b , Turbotrack 2 , Minisax +++ G120DT +++ G138DT +++
Raytrack 40 ,CT 6210 , CT 6800 , K12
Pangolin , LDS Dynamics ,Phoenix Premium , LDS 2010 ,LDS 2008 , HE
Gas RGB 2W , 800 mW , ALC60
RGB >1W +++
Wohnort: D / NRW / Hamm

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von gento » So 21 Apr, 2002 9:26 pm

Hi ihr Nörgler,

Konkurenz giebt es schon ,hier im Land.
Einer hier ,im Forum die Karte schon hat.
Hier findet ihr Infos.

Grüße Gento

Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12 Nov, 2001 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Orlando, FL USA

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von pangolinlaser » Mo 22 Apr, 2002 11:45 am

I would like to point out a few things about QM2000 hardware. In reading some of the posts on this forum, a few comments were made that are not completely accurate. This is easy to understand since the QM2000 is very complex -- it is practically impossible to know everything about it. The purpose of this email is to enlighten everyone to the quality and capabilities of our QM2000 as opposed to other hardware, and to shed some light on how PCI boards are used by software.

First, the QM2000 has both DMX IN and OUT capability, but there is only one port, so you get DMX IN or DMX OUT. Sure other cards might have DMX in and out ports, but since DMX was never supported by LAStudio software, is this even worth mentioning?

Second, sure, the QM2000 does not have TTL outputs, but there is a reason for this and the reason is usability. Since our QM32 did have TTL outputs, we have lots of experience with this and our experiences have shown the DMX is generally more robust and usable.

Third, the QM2000 can support any frame size. During BeginSession literally any size can be specified, even up to hundreds of megabytes.

Fourth, there is a "soft boundary" placed on the QM2000 point output rate and this soft boundary is set to 130,000 points per second. But this is purely a software boundary based on a single compare statement. This boundary can be changed to 200,000 or 400,000 or whatever just by changing one number and recompiling the software. But realistically, sample rates over 120,000 points per second are not usable with today's scanners.

Fifth, in order for a PCI card to be truly "universal" and support both 3.3V and 5V signaling environments, it must have a notch in two places on the PCI card. All QM2000s have this double notch, but I have never seen other laser PCI cards with two notches.

And finally, in order for a PCI card to meet specification for any PCI version (PCI 2.1, 2.2, etc.) there are impedance and trace length requirements that I do not believe can be met with an inexpensive double-sided board. According to the PCI spec, in order to meet the impedance requirements, traces would have to be 30 mils wide (not 8 mils) over a ground plane (not over another plane with other traces). For those interested I invite you to review what the PCI experts have to say about this subject and other subjects on the PCI Special Interest Group (PCISIG) archive at:

Regarding the comments of Richi about the QM2000 only being nothing more than expensive copy protection, I am sure that he completely misunderstands a lot of things about Pangolin software and the QM2000. While a show is playing, the QM2000 is handling ALL laser related activities. During this time period, the PC can completely crash with a blue screen, but the show would continue to play in its entirety, undisturbed, and with motions as smooth as butter. Since the QM2000 completely off-loads the task of laser activities, the PC has full CPU power to do things like decode MPEG video for true multi-media presentations. This is also why we are able to offer products like the Asteroids game and the Winamp plugin which offers real time music visualization -- all as smooth as butter.

When I compare the smoothness of LAStudio with LD2000, there is simply no comparison. LAStudio has numerous interruptions per second and is not smooth. LD2000 is always completely smooth, no matter what is happening with the PC and no matter how many scanners you are running.

There is one more thing worth mentioning and that is that Pangolin had this same architecture at one point in our history. With our older Amiga product called LD400, we had software that completely relied on the host processor of the system (like LAStudio), and a relatively simple board that had a double-buffer and all point transfers were through the local bus (like the RIYA hardware). But Pangolin abandoned this technique in 1992 in favor of the one that we have now, for reasons of smoothness (especially with multiple scanners) and to give the PC maximum power to do other tasks.

As far as I am able to tell, it is not possible to have completely smooth output for multiple scanners (and so far, not even for a single scanner) with this architecture, not to mention ability to support true full-screen full-framerate video at the same time. This smoothness and multimedia capability is what our professional clients demand, and we give these same professional features even for lower paying customers with LDIntro.

There is really a lot more that I can say about these and other subjects, but I am holding myself back out of professionalism. This forum should not be used for flames, but for the betterment of the industry.

Really the theme of Pangolin has been unsurpassed quality, value and support. Our clients know that our hardware is very high quality and we have the best projected image quality, and the most free frames, shows and other things that come along with the system, and we stand behind these products with world-renowned support. If there is a price difference, isn't all of this worth it?

Best regards,

William Benner
Pangolin Laser Systems

ihor ralko
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Di 26 Feb, 2002 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Ukraine

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von ihor ralko » Mo 22 Apr, 2002 9:21 pm

As I also guessed, Mr. Benner has found many arguments confirming the quality of his product in whole(вas a whole). I was once again convinced, that he is not just " a bag of money " - he is real professional and high level expert , and he together with his product indoubtedly are reputable. But if do not create a new products, which quality are capable to compete to the leader, the progress will stop and life become to be not interesting.
I am sure , that in the near future we shall see new solutions, and then the victory will be real for everyone.

Best regards

Ihor Ralko
RIYA co Ltd

Beiträge: 852
Registriert: Do 01 Feb, 2001 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von penner » Mi 24 Apr, 2002 1:05 pm

@Pangolin Laser: Is it possible for you to add the following feature to the existing LA Studio Software (with support for Riya Hardware)?:
Support for Pangolin Shows!
I've seen a few good Pangolin Shows and I want to buy them but i can not play them with my LA Studio professionel and Riya Hardware at the moment. It would be great when you make an Update for Pangolin show support!!
Please answer and tell me if this is possible. Thanks!

Beiträge: 156
Registriert: Mo 12 Nov, 2001 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Orlando, FL USA

Re: Pangolin buys LAStudio, retains Uspekh as development re

Beitrag von pangolinlaser » Do 25 Apr, 2002 2:21 pm

@Penner: I am not so sure for the moment. The problem is that with Pangolin files, it is the QM2000 that actually loads these. The QM2000 is capable of loading the new LDS and SHS files for LD2000 including frames and shows.

TraceIT is capable of loading and saving LDS frames for Pangolin when TraceIT is connected to a QM2000 board. TraceIT uses dedicated functions in the LD2000.DLL to do this. But as far as I know, LAStudio does not do this because it does not have this high of a level of integration with the QM2000 yet.

I have asked Alexey to put a feature into the LAStudio software to load and save Pangolin LD2000 LDS frames, and this will be done by using QM2000 file loading functions. Once this is done we will experiment with loading shows using this same technique.

So bottom line, it looks like we might meet you half way. At some point in the future it may be possible for LAStudio to load and save Pangolin LD2000 LDS frames, and maybe even shows too. But only with the QM2000 installed because the QM2000 is the thing that does the file loading and saving.

Don't get me wrong... I am not trying to punish people without a QM2000. It is just that the LD2000 LDS and SHS files are "secured". They incorporate a special encruption algorithm that allows artists to control the distribution of their materials. But it requires special software inside the QM2000 to decrypt these files.

That is one thing. When it comes to integrating LD2000 features, we really need a QM2000. The QM2000 and LD2000.DLL have over 220 dedicate laser functions including file loading and saving, display control, etc. All of these functions are built into the QM2000 board and executed by the Coldfire processor on the QM2000.

Best regards,

William Benner
Pangolin Laser Systems


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