PA: LS "makes buzzing noise" :-)

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PA: LS "makes buzzing noise" :-)

Beitrag von random » Mi 09 Mai, 2012 11:47 am

Wer's noch nciht kennt :lol:
Die Kommentare sind auch klasse :twisted:

PA of the Day© Miscellaneous Gear Photo. This is from Brendan Griffin. Brendan writes:

"This JBL MS115 was from the Sydney Olympic Park site-wide paging system on Olympic Boulevard and was reported faulty as making a buzzing noise. The following was found as the cause. Enjoy!"

James Welsh Did they call Billy the Exterminator for that one??? :) I can hear his mom now, "Billy we got bee hive in a speaker again!"
Ken Steiger Too bad it wasn't a Urei 813...
Eddie Weds Is it MY ears or is the speaker waxed up ?
Alan Hamilton JBL = Just Burned a Little?
Todd Adamson JBL=Just Buzzing Louder!!! Self- powered ones that is...
Martin Oliver Bb sounded fine...
Robert Chambers That's some sweet sounding speaker right there but has a little buzz in the midrange.
Laureen Adamson Stephens Holy beehive batman!
Bartosz Oleś jbl honey series :)
Ralph Smith looks ok to me.
Regan Wann bee speakers?
Ron Godbey Typical jbl!
Dave Ribbink Just BEE Listen...
Chuck Holmes Is that the new COMB filter JBL was developing???
Josh Isenhart I bet it will be on eBay "as is"
Martin Oliver Custom made for the B-52's, or They Might B Giants, playing - somebody stop me - Johnny B Goode...
Montag um 22:04 · Gefällt mir
Roger Redden There had to be a lot of deaf bees early on?
Chad Wahls Not what a technical type would think of when hearing the phrase "Buzzing Noise"
Mike Clover I think it's due for a service call
Ayush Sk Honey "comb " filtering ?
Vincent Scheelen ‎:D crazy
Chris Torri well there's your problem
Paul Millbank still sounds better than an SRM 450
William Hoppy Riddle Sweet
Greg M. Jenkins Woah...
Dan Montecalvo Hive seen that before...
Andy Derr Warranty ?
Douglas Walker The voice coil looks ok...
Erik Jeppsson Bee-Amped?
Glenn Boche Rapper Bees???
David Watkins There's your problem.
Matt Kendall it was even more fun to get down lol flipping thing weighed a ton and still ha bee's around after it had been hit twice by the pest control guy
Jeff Shoesmith Serious honeycomb filtering
Keith Woody Just goes to show... Once you find the buzz you stop looking.....
Alexander Carpintero Roca sweet audio
Don Smith JBL BEERTECH series Has a little buzz too much acid rock
Michael Cummings and I bet they blamed the buzz on the lighting guys
Tom Lanik LOVE IT
Tim Ringgenberg And the tech couldn't figure out why it buzzed even after he unplugged the input. This won't be seen on ebay as slightly used.
Drew Milano Nice snake skin tweeter but it rattles and hisses a bit
Gestern um 04:29 · Gefällt mir
James Van Dyke SWEET!!!!!!!
Tony Sawyer now thats funny as hell ,.. well it did not sound like that yesterday says the system tech
Eddie Cogle Must have been bought as a Bee Stock item..
Jimmy Potter Bet the honey was a bit harsh on the senses.
Sam Hall I've done some work around the park over the years - this doesn't surprise me!
Roy Ryzak Water and a non outdoor rated powered speaker do not mix.
Tom Crosswell ‎...."The DJ was on Fire"......
Beate Ratz ‎"The Hives" anybody?
Raphael Thiffault Leblanc ‎@Roy Ryzak: the MS115 is a passive speaker.
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