LaserFreak Forum
Holography as phantasm story
Everything about holographics.
- Beiträge: 3
- Registriert: Di 26 Apr, 2011 5:46 pm
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Holography as phantasm story
Beitrag von iSven » Di 26 Apr, 2011 6:06 pm
At the moment I'm writing my M. A. thesis Holography as phantasm story - A parallax view.
The study is about visions, dreams, ideas, hopes and wishes released by the invention of holography. The study is partly already being published on Further parts will follow. At the monet I collect and publish snippets taken from movies and TV series being about holography.
For anyone is also interested in a less technical thinking about holography, please visit and/or leave a comment if you like.
There is also an english version of the website.
The study is about visions, dreams, ideas, hopes and wishes released by the invention of holography. The study is partly already being published on Further parts will follow. At the monet I collect and publish snippets taken from movies and TV series being about holography.
For anyone is also interested in a less technical thinking about holography, please visit and/or leave a comment if you like.
There is also an english version of the website.
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