Problem With Laseroutput !

Alles rund um Mamba / MIII und LaserPainter.
masters of magic
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 24 Okt, 2006 8:06 pm
Wohnort: Netherlands

Problem With Laseroutput !

Beitrag von masters of magic » Mi 25 Okt, 2006 6:16 pm

I'll write this in English, but i can read answers in german.

We have a 200 mw laser in combination with jmlaser scanners en jmlaser easylase pc card.
The output of our laser is 118 Mw, but when we disconnect the ilda cable from the easylase card the output is more than 220 mw.
So we think something is wrong with the easylase card.

Can someone say what went wrong ? Or what we can do to fix this problem ?

Greetings from the Netherlands;

Dirk & Marcel

Beiträge: 6351
Registriert: Do 20 Dez, 2001 12:00 pm
Do you already have Laser-Equipment?: Easylase, Netlase, Laser von 1..15W.
Entwickler von Dynamics + Mamba X4 .
Lasershow Hard / Software .
Wohnort: 32469 Petershagen


Beitrag von guido » Mi 25 Okt, 2006 8:00 pm


did you try to measure the Laserpower during a Frame is scanned ??
Every Frame, also Closed one have Blankingpoints. And Every Laser you modulate goes down. Cheaper ones more than expensive ones.

masters of magic
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 24 Okt, 2006 8:06 pm
Wohnort: Netherlands

Beitrag von masters of magic » Mi 25 Okt, 2006 8:15 pm

When i draw a normal circle of triangle (lines) the output is fine.
The problem is more with frames that have beams.
I know that i can accent beams in mamba and then they are much brighter, but the other problem then is that de beams are going to "shake" or vibrate or should i say little flashes. (if you know what i mean)

A friend has our laser pluged to pangolin someday (so without easylase) and then it worked perfect. So that is why i think it's the easylase card.

But maybe this is all normal and i'm expecting to much from my system :)

Beiträge: 656
Registriert: Fr 19 Mär, 2004 2:04 am
Do you already have Laser-Equipment?: ich habe den Überblick schon lange verloren ;)
Wohnort: Regensburg

Beitrag von gebbi » Mi 25 Okt, 2006 9:23 pm


please check out your Hardwaresettings in Mamba. Perhaps the auto optimize checkbox isn´t marked?
The flickering of accented objects depends on too many points at one place. So you reach the limit of your Scannspeed.

Ciao, Gebbi
professional lasershows and animations
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Beiträge: 765
Registriert: Di 01 Apr, 2003 2:05 pm
Wohnort: nähe Hamburg

Beitrag von da2001 » Mi 25 Okt, 2006 11:22 pm

Go to -> Downloads and download the Easylase Testsoft.

If in the test-software your results agree with the normal measured power, you know that the easylase is running well and mamba settigs are the problem. otherwise it seems as there would be problems with the easylase card.


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