PCI hardware

Alles rund um LAStudio.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Di 02 Okt, 2001 12:00 pm

PCI hardware

Beitrag von alexey » Do 04 Okt, 2001 10:44 pm

Hello.<P>For getting information about new PCI cards please visit <A HREF="http://laser.freelsd.net" TARGET=_blank>http://laser.freelsd.net</A> <P>Any questions are welcome.<P>Alexey

Beiträge: 201
Registriert: So 22 Okt, 2000 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Koblenz/Dieblich

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von christian » Fr 05 Okt, 2001 9:00 pm

Hi Alexey,<BR>the features of the new cards look great !<BR>You write, that the cards have a Z-Output - what does this mean ? Do you mean the normal Blanking output ? <BR>An other question I have is, if the old Isa F4 card will still be aviable or will the smalest PCI-Card more or less cost like the old card ?<P>Best regards <P>Christian

Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Di 02 Okt, 2001 12:00 pm

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von alexey » Sa 06 Okt, 2001 1:32 am

Hello Christian,<P>I am happy that you found features of our new cards interesting.<P>About Z Output. No, Z Output is not blanking, the card has special <BR>output for blanking (the card has completely ILDA compatible connector).<BR>Z Output can be used for stereo output. Will be implemented 2 kinds of <BR>stereo output:<BR>1st - Z output will provide Z coordinate of points. <BR>This mode requested by our client - Innerphase Laser Studio (NZ)<BR>2nd - "Stereo mode". Z and X will output X-coordinates for <BR>left and right eye. Tecnichnally Y output will be the same, and X-Z outputs <BR>will translate a bit rotated image arround Y axis.<P>That is all very specific things, and I don`t think that this may be useful for <BR>most of us.<P>One more detail about Blanking output. Software will allows to <BR>use Shutter and Blanking(Intensity) outputs as color outputs and this <BR>will allows to have 8 color outputs.<P>What for the old ISA cards. - We don`t have a plan to produce one. New PCI cards <BR>much faster and it has much more features. Old card has a processor and FIFO that <BR>makes the communication comparatively slow. New PCI cards has absolutelly <BR>new architecture that provides maximally fast speed.<P>About the prices. I had a call from RIYA this morning, so <BR>here is latest information:<BR>RIYA decide to not release PCI cards version 2.0 and 3.0 - will be <BR>released only version 4.0 - most powerful solution.<BR>Version 4.0 will be released in 3 versions, <BR>lets to say Intro, Basic and Pro ;-) just a joke ;-)<P>Specification of "Pro" version you can see at LAStudio website.<BR>"Basic" version will be same as Pro, but with one channel only (control of one laser projector)<BR>"Intro" version will also has only one LIMITED channel <BR>- only 4 color outputs<BR>- no Z output.<BR>- no DMX In, DMX Out.<P>Prices:<BR>Pro version - $1400<BR>Basic version - $800<BR>Intro version - $600<P>I think you see the minimal PCI version will be cheaper than ISA card <BR>and provides more features. <P>Thanks for your interests<P>Any questions are welcome !<P>Best Regards<P>Alexey.

Beiträge: 199
Registriert: Di 29 Mai, 2001 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Niederösterreich-Feistritz/Wechsel

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von molotov » Mo 08 Okt, 2001 11:13 am

hello!<P>sorry, but my english is not the best!<P>$600 for the "intro" version......<BR>soft+card or only the card???<P>wish you much luck with your top soft!<BR>i think pango have a very big "konkurenz"!<P>cu&thanx<BR>harald

Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Di 02 Okt, 2001 12:00 pm

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von alexey » Mo 08 Okt, 2001 9:03 pm

Hello Harald,<P>Thanks a lot for message in english. <BR>Your english is much better that I can have from Altavista <BR>after message translation from German language.<P>About the $600 for "intro" version of RIYA PCI card. <BR>I am sorry, but this is price <BR>for the card only. We understand that our prices are quit <BR>not low relative to start-level systems. But we hope <BR>that our prices may be interesting relative to "pro" systems <BR>like X29-2 by NML or LD2000 by Pangolin. Out main target is <BR>to offer maximally powerfull product with maximally <BR>reasonable prices. To be honest - personally I don`t like <BR>'intro' level systems, because I don`t understand how to <BR>work with it. When I work I like to have all what I need, <BR>exactly because I don`t know what to remove from software/hardware <BR>for making intro-level system. What I can say about the future "lite" <BR>version of LA - we always take into account all requests, <BR>and if you or your friends can define your requests then we will <BR>try to make an offer with maximally friendly prices.<P>One more about the cards. LA software is not limited to one <BR>type of cards. And if you decide that QM2000 is better then <BR>software will work with it too. Same for QM32. I suggest that <BR>QM32 may be used succesfully with programs like TraceIT or 3DE, <BR>but for ShowRider that is quit not good solution because this <BR>card has a slow frames transfer. Also software can be adapted <BR>to any other cards that can receive and execute the frame...<P>The things like prices, features, Pangolin are very interesting <BR>for me, because I am worried that I talk too much...<P>Thanks for message and please don`t hesitate to ask if you <BR>have any further questions.<P>C.U. Later.<P>Alexey.

Beiträge: 199
Registriert: Di 29 Mai, 2001 12:00 pm
Wohnort: Niederösterreich-Feistritz/Wechsel

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von molotov » Di 09 Okt, 2001 11:24 am

hello!<P>thanks for answer!<BR>i see that soft+card costs ca. 2500$. much cheeper than pango! does a demo from your editor exists? i often heard that the editor in pango is sh**.<P><BR>thanx<BR>harald

Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Di 02 Okt, 2001 12:00 pm

Re: PCI hardware

Beitrag von alexey » Di 09 Okt, 2001 9:43 pm

Hi<P>Yes, that is right. The price <BR>of 3 programs + lite version of card is arround 2500.<BR>We are thinking about making some surprise, but about this later... ;-)<P>Demo. Demo may be found at <A HREF="http://laser.freelsd.net" TARGET=_blank>http://laser.freelsd.net</A> <BR>I want to note that the demo is comparatively old (july) <BR>and new versions will has deep and interesting changes.<P>C.U. Later<P>Alexey.<p>[ 11 October 2001: Message edited by: Alexey ]


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