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alc 68

Verfasst: Do 19 Feb, 2009 4:42 pm
von dynamic lasers
Hello, I am Jelle.
And have not yet this way complete a lot much intelligence of lasers. I have alc 68 argon laser.
This system has been air-cooled and has been twisted on 1 phase. 1,5watt at 16 amp and 2,5watt at 32 amp.

Now this already a much parent system then present those DPSS systems is.

Now I have a number of questions.
Air refrigeration is certainly not yet optimum.
These want I gladly better make.
Both the koelelucht meddle.
As the hetelucht export.
Do you have about this perhaps ideas?
I have zel sit think supply of tube aerators for cold air.
And special hetelucht afziug aerators bijv from HR kettle.

Next question. 2,5watt also real 2.5 Watt qwa lichtopbrengst are.
Thus 2.5 Watt 2500Mwatt is?

Also I gladly want know how myself can build opticebank.
Components and bank and optics have I already from another old Tarm system
And I can that special mirror effekten appart head.
Is this possible by means of printplaatje and DMX?
And I want also gladly use the colorbox.
And this way my argon laser uses caan as three colours green and blue. Also X-Y-Z ash scanner sit system.
Furthermore scope for glass fibre and + - 6 meters glass fibre cable.
And apparte mirror bank.
Therefore a complete file small stappenmotertjes with spiegeltjes.
here behind the laser stood.
I think white light tube.
The tube had only break and therefore only the bank with everything at had been bought.
Also I have already had contakt with Tarm but them had it concerning special ZAP computer.
To cost approximately 500 euro.
Is this omte build to ILDA. Also 1 box at 1 X and Y ash targeting and colorbox sit.
There is here someone on this forum which perhaps here more of nows Tarm and the supervision of it.
And that can help me against payment.
Also But this wants gladly learn. Since I work now without I have enough time more for my laser system. Oke I hope that there here, however, people are who further can me and want help. In advance a lot and greet Jelle thank :D